Rogue Hydration is the ultimate hydration beverage designed for gamers, streamers, and content creators. Rogue Hydration is the best alternative to sugar-filled hydration drinks and can keep you hydrated during any time of day.
Rogue Hydration is sugar-free, caffeine-free, has zero calories, and is loaded with essential electrolyes and vitamins to rehydrate your body when you need it most.
Rogue Hydration contains Vitamin D3, B3, B6, and B12.
Rogue Hydration contains the essential electrolytes: Magnesium, Sodium, Zinc, Chloride, and Potassium.
Studies show every 1% reduction in hydration can result in a 5% decrease in cognitive function. When you are thirsty, turn to a science-backed, sugar-free, delicious tasting product like Rogue Hydration to fuel smarter.
Yes. Unlike sugary hydration drinks on the market today, Rogue Hydration has ZERO sugar and tastes amazing!
No. Rogue Hydration is caffeine-free and loaded with electolytes and vitamins so you can enjoy it anytime of day!
No. Rogue Hydration is a direct replacement for water and other hydration beverages on the market today. Enjoy it while working out, streaming, gaming, at work or school, or anytime you are feeling thirsty so you can stay hydrated and crush your day!
It's important to know what's in your supplements. Here at Rogue, we don't just make delicious drinks. We have also put painstaking attention into the design of our formulas and pride ourselves on utilizing transparent labels with fully dosed ingredients. Compare us to other beverages and see why we are different!
- HYDRATION - Rogue Hydration is loaded with all of the essential electrolytes your body needs to replenish your reserves and rapidly hydrate.
- RECOVERY - Rogue Hydration helps your body recover from strenuos activity by giving the body the vitamins and minerals it craves before, during, and after physical activity or long days.
- THIRST QUENCER - Rogue Hydration's custom formula and deliciously sweet taste helps quench your thirst better than water alone and won't taste salty or chalky like other hydration alternatives.

rogue gaming drinks
Rogue was created in 2017 by 2 best friends, Zac & Chris, as one of the first GAMING DRINK companies to exist in the entire World. From day 1, Rogue has been focused on creating the best formulas for supplementing the needs of Twitch Streamers, casual gamers, competitive Esports stars, and all gaming enthusiasts inbetween.
Rogue's 3 unique product lines: ENERGY, HYDRATION, and CHILL are custom designed to serve the unique demands of those enjoying their favorite video game or streaming for hours on end to their community.
Rogue has been sold in over 85 countries worldwide to 100s of thousands of customers. When you choose a Rogue product, you can be assured you are receiving the industry gold standard for gaming supplements!